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See example prompts in the gallery


FaceID is a model adapter allowing to generate image while preserving a person identity without fine-tuning. Input images can be as few as just one image. The adapter was trained on human faces and cannot be used for pets or other subjects.


  1. Generate a placeholder fine-tune dataset which will contain the person images. The fine-tune will not go through training and will be immediately ready. faceid-new-fine-tune.png
  2. Generate the image using the FaceID adapter using a syntax similar to LoRA - <faceid:ID:1>


  1. Use cfg_scale=3
  2. FaceID can work nicely together with Face Swap to improve similarity.
  3. Disable Face-Swap in case your prompt is animation style. Additionally, make sure to select an animated model from the gallery.
  4. For fast generation use the LCM schedulers.
  5. For realistic images, please consider enabling face-correct to improve facial features.
  6. When creating a fine-tune: Base-model is only used as a default for UI generation but does not affect FaceID.
  7. When creating a fine-tune: steps and training_face_correct are not used for FaceID.


FaceID is an adapter loaded on top of a base model. As such the inference needs to take place on a model from the gallery. The fine-tune's trained_at is set upon creation and there is no training time. As such no callback is needed.


If you are receiving 422 error model_type=faceid is not supported. Use a checkpoint instead - Change the request URL to with 690204 as a hard-coded tune_id of Realistic Vision v5.1 from the gallery. See explanation above.

Step 1: Create fine-tune

POST /tunes

# With images as multipart/form-data
# Hard coded tune id of Realistic Vision v5.1 from the gallery -
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
-F tune[title]="John Doe - UUID - 1234-6789-1234-56789" \
-F tune[name]=man \
-F tune[model_type]="faceid" \
-F tune[callback]="" \
-F tune[base_tune_id]=690204 \
-F "tune[images][][email protected]" \
-F "tune[images][][email protected]" \
-F "tune[images][][email protected]" \
-F "tune[images][][email protected]"

# With image_urls as form-data
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
-F tune[title]="John Doe - UUID - 1234-6789-1234-56789" \
-F tune[name]=man \
-F tune[model_type]="faceid" \
-F tune[callback]="" \
-F tune[base_tune_id]=690204 \
-F "tune[image_urls][]=" \
-F "tune[image_urls][]=" \
-F "tune[image_urls][]=" \
-F "tune[image_urls][]="

cat > data.json <<- EOM
"tune": {
"title": "John Doe - UUID - 1234-6789-1234-56789",
"name": "man",
"model_type": "faceid",
"callback": "",
"image_urls": [

curl -X POST -H"Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" --data @data.json


"id": 1,
"title": "John Doe",
"name": "woman",
"token": "ohwx",
"base_tune_id": null,
"args": null,
"steps": null,
"face_crop": null,
"training_face_correct": false,
"ckpt_url": null,
"ckpt_urls": [],
"eta": "2023-10-02T14:32:40.363Z",
"trained_at": "2023-10-02T14:32:40.363Z",
"started_training_at": "2023-10-02T14:32:05.229Z",
"expires_at": "2023-11-01T14:32:40.363Z",
"created_at": "2023-10-02T14:32:05.067Z",
"branch": "sd15",
"model_type": "faceid",
"updated_at": "2023-10-02T14:32:40.363Z",
"url": "",
"orig_images": [
"id": 775459,
"title": "Marry Jane",
"name": null,
"is_api": false,
"token": "ohwx",
"base_tune_id": null,
"args": null,
"steps": null,
"face_crop": null,
"training_face_correct": null,
"ckpt_url": "",
"ckpt_urls": [
"eta": "2023-09-23T16:07:49.137Z",
"trained_at": "2023-09-23T16:07:49.137Z",
"started_training_at": "2023-09-23T16:07:37.334Z",
"expires_at": "2023-10-23T16:07:49.137Z",
"created_at": "2023-09-23T16:07:36.606Z",
"branch": "sd15",
"model_type": "faceid",
"updated_at": "2023-09-23T16:07:49.138Z",
"url": "",
"orig_images": [

Step 2: Create prompts

POST /tunes/:id/prompts

# Note the hard-coded 690204 which is the tune_id of Realistic Vision v5.1 from the gallery
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
-F prompt[text]="<faceid:tune_id:strength> woman trekking in the alps" \
-F prompt[negative_prompt]="" \
-F prompt[super_resolution]=true \
-F prompt[face_correct]=true \
-F prompt[face_swap]=true \
-F prompt[callback]=""